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Applications for the 2022-2023 academic year are now closed.

Please review the descriptions for each position our organization offers below prior to submitting an application.


You must have served as a director for at least one academic year to qualify for consideration. Positions on the Executive Board include International & Administrative President as well as Internal & External Vice President.


You must have attended at least one GMT trip and or completed the ten week training offered by our chapter each quarter for your application to be considered. Director positions include Finance, Fundraising & Social, Medical Donations, Public Health, Publicity, Trip Preparation, and Workshop.


GMT at UCLA is not currently recruiting committee members. You must be a general member to apply for a committee. We will soon offer spots on the Public Health and Medical Donations Committees. Stay in touch to be notified when these positions become open. 

Application Closed
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Descriptions for each of the eight director positions for our chapter are in the following slide deck


Guide trippers through the diagnostic process and teach clinical features of common illnesses

Present active learning workshop presentations each week at general meeting along with another workshop director. Create the workshop presentations, mock clinics, and workshop schedule for each quarter. Bring a laptop computer for the Google Slides presentations. Provide digital and or hard copies of the workshop worksheet that corresponds with that week’s workshop for each general meeting to trippers.


Descriptions for each of the four Executive Board positions for our chapter are in the following slide deck



Communicate with Dr. Wil; GMT International staff; GMT staff in each country to plan trip logistics/details of project implementation; and student leaders to share resources and collaborate. Plan dates and countries for trips that will be offered each year along with other executive members. Ensure registration function is available for trips on the GMT International website. Plan Machu Picchu extension for trip to Peru if applicable. Establish contact with local coordinator from country to be visited during the quarter leading up to trip departure. Prepare the trip leader for their duties while abroad. Gather trip feedback and oversee evaluation and critique. Provide oversight to Medical Donation and Public Health Director to assist project implementation and goal-setting.

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